(Click on image to download entire 5-page pdf flyer)

AKYISAN [eh'-cheeh sah'eehn] is comprised of two terms. In our Ancestral language of Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt) and the descendant Akan language, the term akyi (eh-cheeh') means 'back'. The term san (sahn) means 'return'. AKYISAN in the context of Ancestral Religion defines the process of reversion - returning back, reverting - to our pristine state or condition.

Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu, the Akwamu Nation in North America, welcomes the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) community to our ninth annual AKYISAN - Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious Reversion Conference.

For this year's conference we will host a virtual screening of the new documentary film HOODOO - Akan Ancestral Religion in North America produced by Odwirafo followed by a panel discussion on March 24, 13024 (2024).

Learn about the nature and value of Ancestral Religious Reversion as the key to our total restoration as Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) people spiritually, socially, economically and politically from our different presenters. Also, shop with our EGUA - Marketplace vendors online, embracing our Ancestral Religious heritage through ritual, art, food, music, handmade products, literature and presentations.

Registration is required. Registration is open to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) only:


AKYISAN is the only conference of its kind, guiding the revival of NANASOM, our Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religion, fossilized within the bones and blood of our direct-blood Ancestresses and Ancestors upon our departure from Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) through migration or forced migration into the western hemisphere and maintained to this day. It was through Nanasom that we were guided and empowered to heal ourselves, educate ourselves, sustain ourselves, train ourselves, wage war against the whites and their offspring and force the end of enslavement in North america and the entire western hemisphere. It is through Akyisan - Ancestral Religious Reversion - that our people will revivify and operationalize the Revolutionary-Resolutionary function of Nanasom, thereby affecting Amansesew, Nationbuilding/Restoration, as the collective of Odwiraman, Purified Nation - Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the Western hemisphere.

Our expressions of Ancestral Religion in North America include: Hoodoo (Akan), Juju (Yoruba), Voodoo (Ewe, Fon), Gris Gris (Bambara), Gullah-Geechee (Gola Kisi) Wanga (Ovambo), Ngengang (Fang) and more.

Our capacity to affect AKYISAN is not dependent upon anyone outside of our direct Ancestral blood-circles. Indeed, our Ancestral Religious practice can only be legitimized through the Abosom and Nananom Nsamanfo - the Deities and Ancestral Spirits - who were assigned to us pre-incarnation by Nyamewaa-Nyame (Amenet-Amen) and who were born into the world with us. We are born into our culture - it cannot therefore be 'given' to us. This reality is of critical importance for Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) in the western hemisphere. We can therefore only restore our culture in its fullness through AKYISAN - Reversion.

AKYISAN - Ancestral Religious Reversion is open to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) only.

Click on the image to download the entire pdf flyer:

Excerpt from last year's AKYISAN Conference - March 25, 13023 (2023):

See the trailer for our award-winning documentary film: AMARUKAFO ADEBISA: African American Ancestral Divination. This is our first film and was born out of the philosophy of AKYISAN. Watch our film online on-demand now.

AMARUKAFO ADEBISA: African-American Ancestral Divination documents Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) people in America, Amarukafo, African-American male and female diviners, healers and healeresses in the restoration and reintroduction of those systems of oracular divination retained in our Ancestral blood-circles in North america over the past 300 years inclusive of Hoodoo (Akan Ancestral Religion), Juju (Yoruba Ancestral Religion) Voodoo (Ewe Ancestral Religion), Ngengang (Fang Ancestral Religion) and Wanga (Ovambo - Gullah Ancestral Religion). It is these systems of oracular divination which empowered us and guided us to wage war against the whites and their offspring and force the end of enslavement in the western hemisphere.

Featuring: Mama Mawusi Ashshakir, Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebt Het, Wabet Seshat Tut Ankh Wadjet, Voodoo Queen Kalindah Laveaux and Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan.

Watch our film on-demand now:


(Click on image below to download the full document on our Ancestral Religious exemption for vaccinations)

AMANEE NE NDU: Nationism and Medicine

Ancestral Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccines

See the related videos of our blogtalkradio broadcasts of our 7-part series on the nature of AKYISAN. Also below are the presentations from last year's conference by presenters: Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan, Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet, Wabet Raven Seshat Sat'Heru and Sah Ara SAnkh Ab Sanu-t. Also see the video submissions by Kalindah Laveaux and Mama Mawusi Ashshakir and Baba Ashshakir:




See the videos of our 7-part series from our blogtalkradio broadcasts on AKYISAN - Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious Reversion, AKYISAN - Ancestral Religious Reversionalism and Self-Reversionalization, AKYISAN NHYIAMU: Conference of the Ntorou/Ntorotu (Deities) as an Operational Model for Organizing, AKYISAN NE HONHOM: Ancestral Religion and Effective Reformation, AKYISAN NE AARU: The Ancestral Religious Community, Reversion and Nationbuilding/Restoration, AKYISAN NE SEKHEM: Tehuti, Hapi, Meriti and Gaining Power Over the Water in Flint and AKYISAN NE USEKH MAATI: The Dual Hall of Maat and Ancestral Moral Reversion.



NHOMA - Publications

Our publications page - Download the free e-book versions and purchase the soft-cover versions of our 31 books


Akan Ancestral Religion in North America


Ancient Authentic Akan Ancestral Religion


Purified Nation - Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the West


Institution of learning, healing, training, employment and entrepreneurship

FEKUW - Nanasom Study-Groups

Our Self-Study and Study-Group Curriculum

ODWIRAMAN - Purified Nation Social Media Network

Please contact us for additional information.
