ABOA NKWA® [ah-boh'-ah awn-kwah'] is a combination of two Akan terms: aboa - animal and nkwa - life. The terms aboa and nkwa are the Akan vocalizations of the ancient terms abau - animal and ankh - life from our Ancestral language and culture of Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt). The term Aboa Nkwa as a name references the ritual practice adhered to by Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu(Akwamu Nation in North America) and Fanteman(Fante Nation) in North America. It was developed under the guidance of our Nananom Nsamanfo, our Spirtually Cultivated Akan Ancestresses and Ancestors and the Abosom, the Deities - Divine Spirit-Forces that animate Creation.
Abaa (animal) in the language of Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt) and Aboa (animal) in Akan.
The antelope in the relief from Kamit and the antelope in the form of an Akan abrammu(goldweight) demonstrate the continuity of culture from ancient Khanit (Nubia) to Akanni (Akan) culture in West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa).
The medutu or hieroglyphs for the term animal (abau) are also related to the terms for heart (ab), dance (ab) and thirst, desire (ab). The heart is what animates us, unceasingly sending mogya (blood) and energy to the body through its unceasing palpitations. Its rhythmic movement is the basis of dance (ab) and the desire (ab) to function harmoniously, rhythmically in Awiase (the World) according to our nature as Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People). It is important to note that the determinative medut (symbol) for thirst, desire (ab) is that of an animal (abau) in motion - animated.
Ankh (ankhu) and Akua (nkwa) - instruments of life in Khanit and Akan.
The continuity of culture from ancient Khanit (Nubia) to Akanni (Akan) culture in West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa).
The medutu or hieroglyphs for the term life (ankh) are also used to denote an animal (ankh). The ankh (animal) also wears an ankh (life) around its neck in the form of a yoke in the construction and spelling of the word sahu meaning spirit (sunsum in Akan):
The medutu elucidate the connection between the animal (abau, ankh), life (ankh) and spirit (sahu). This is a functional expression of Aboa(animal)Nkwa(life):
Aboa Nkwa is a ritual means by which we animate our life-force and life-focus by using our bodies as instruments to align with our akyeneboa - animal totems. Our akyeneboa or animal totems are inherited by blood directly from our patrilineal and matrilineal blood-circles and ultimately from our Nananom Nsamanfo (Ancestresses and Ancestors) who first experienced akom(spirit-possession) by those Abosom (Deities) who govern the sacred animals comprising the various akyeneboa. Only Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) have authentic akyeneboa.
The Abosom and Nananom Nsamanfo send the akyeneboa to us to communicate messages that we need in order to harmonize our thoughts, intentions and actions with Nyamewaa-Nyame Nhyehyee - The Supreme Being's Order (Divine Order).
The akyeneboa can be sent to us in dreams or sent to us to cross our paths in Awiase(World) at critical junctures within our lives. When we align with our akyeneboa, we are aligning with the energy of the animal totems we have received intergenerationally and transcarnationally (through successive reincarnations) from our direct-blood Nananom Nsamanfo (Ancestresses and Ancestors). Because these akyeneboa govern our patriclans and matriclans, we are able to replenish the energy within their related shrines that exist within our honam (bodies - muscle groups, organs and organs' systems) and asunsum (spirits) by ritual invocation.
Aboa Nkwa is a means by which we move the body in the forms of our Ancestral akyeneboa in order to invoke the Abosom. Aboa Nkwa supports our physical health, ahooden and spiritual balance, adennen, as we work to align and realign with our Okra/Okraa, our Soul/Divine Consciousness. The Okra and Okraa are the male and female terms for Soul/Divine Consciousness in Akan culture. The Okra and Okraa are called Ka and Kait in ancient Khanit and Kamit. The Okra/Okraa is our personal Obosom(personal Deity) which dwells within the head region of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans - only) and internally guides us toward Nyamewaa-Nyame Nhyehyee(The Supreme Being's Order - Divine Order) at all times. Aboa Nkwa allows us to align our physical bodies with our Okra/Okraa through the akyeneboa for strengthening, stretching, toning, balancing, defense, offense and focus. The results of this alignment can be transferred to all other areas of life.
Aboa Nkwa is a practice developed within Aakhuamuman and Fanteman and adhered to by our children and adults. It is a component of Akanfo Nanasom(Ancient Authentic Akan Ancestral Religion). We have decided to share our practice however, because it is not limited to Akanfo (Akan people) alone. Aboa Nkwa can be utilized by all Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) - and only Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) - for all Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) have akyeneboa and share the Ancestral akyeneboa as manifested through the Ntorou/Ntorotu (Neteru/Netertu - Deities [Abosom, Orisha, Vodou]) from our ancient Ancestral cultures of Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt). Every Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) group inclusive of ODWIRAMAN - Purified Nation, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the West - has its own cultural approach to aligning with the animal totems that govern their patrilineal and matrilineal blood-circles.
We will post videos soon. Listen to our blogtalkradio broadcast ABOA NKWA - Sacred Ritual Movement (Animal Totems) for Health and Wellness and the related broadcast Inspirit Discipline: Obra/Obraa (Ba/Bait) - Ritual to Regulate Life below and also see our publication: ANKH - The Origin of the term 'Yoga' - KARA KASA - The Origin and Nature of the 'Chakra' for more insight:
Purified Nation of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the West
We do accept akyede (contributions/donations) to assist in our work to provide free copies of our publications, free workshops, lectures and trainings (inclusive of Aboa Nkwa) to the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) community. Make akyede below and also see our page for more information: AKYEDE.